Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica atque technica historia : in duo volumnina secundum cosmi differentiam diuisa
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Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica atque technica historia : in duo volumnina secundum cosmi differentiam diuisa
- Publication date
- 1617
- Topics
- Cosmology, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music theory, Drawing, Military art and science, Astrology, Geomancy, Pyramids, Rosicrucians, Mnemonics, Cosmology -- Early works to 1800, Geometry -- Early works to 1800, Astrology -- Early works to 1800, Machinery -- Early works to 1800, Arithmetic -- Early works to 1900, Music theory -- Early works to 1800, 02.00 science and culture in general, Machinery, Wetenschappen
- Publisher
- Oppenhemii : aere Johan-Theodori de Bry, typis Hieronymi Galleri
- Contributor
- Getty Research Institute
- Language
- Latin
- Volume
- v.2
- Item Size
- 1.2G
Only the 1st Tractatus of t. 1 has general title. The other parts have individual t.p.'s: Tractatus secundus, De natvrae simia seu technica macrocosmi historia. Oppenheimio : Aere Iohan-Theodori de Bry : Typis Hieronymi Galleri, 1618; Tomvs secvndvs De svpernatvrali, naturali, praeternaturali et contranaturali microcosmi historia, in tractatus tres distributa. Oppenhemij : Impensis Iohannis Theodori de Bry : Typis Hieronymi Galleri, 1619; Tomi secvndi, tractatus primi, sectio secunda, De technica microcosmi historia [S.l. : s.n., n.d.]; Tomi secundi, tractatus secundus, De praeternaturali utriusque mundi historia. Francofurti : Typis Erasmi Kempfferi : Sumptibus Joan. Theodori de Bry, 1621
Tomus 2 ends with the 1st Sectio of the 2nd Tractatus. It was to have contained 3 tractatus, but was never completed
Collation: Tomus 1, Tractatus 1: [4], 106 (i.e. 206), [10] p., [4] leaves of plates (2 of them double leaves hinged at centerfold). Tomus 1, Tractatus 2: 788, [10] p. (last 2 p. blank), [9] leaves of plates (1 folded, 4 double leaves hinged at centerfold). Tomus 2, Tractatus 1: 277, [2] p. (first 2 p. and last 2 p. blank). Tomus 2, Tractatus 1, Sectio 2: 191, [13] (last 2 p. blank). Tomus 2, Tractatus 2, Sectio 1: [12], 199, [1] p. (last p. blank), [2] leaves of plates (double leaf hinged at centerfold)
Signatures: t. 1, Tractatus 1: A-Bb Cc (double-leaf plate, hinged at centerfold after A2 and printed with p. 3 on recto of 1st leaf and p. 6 on verso of 2nd, is signed 'A2'). Tomus 1, Tractatus 2: A-Ggg Hhh² Iii-Hhhhh (V2 missigned 'V'; Bbbb2 missigned 'Bbb2'). Tomus 2, Tractatus 1: A-Mm (R3 missigned 'R2'). Tomus 2, Tractatus 1, Sectio 2: A-aa bb. Tomus 2, Tractatus 2, Sectio 1: A-R S
Illustrated with numerous cuts in text as well as plates, etched and engraved, and with woodcut head and tail pieces and initials. Both t.p.'s of t. 1. have ornamental frames with letterpress text. That of Tractatus 2 has signature: M. Merian sculp. T.p. of tomus 2, Tractatus 1 is completely engraved. T.p. of t. 2, Tractatus 1, Sectio 2 has etched vignette with letterpress. T.p. of t. 2, Tractatus 2 is letterpress with engraved vignette signed: T.B. fe
Errata lists interspersed throughout text
Vol. 2 of Library's copy is bound with: Anatomiae amphitheatrum / authore Roberto Fludd. Francofurti : Sumptibus Iohannis Theodori de Bry, 1623
Library's copy of t. 1, Tractatus 2 is 2nd ed. (Francofvrti : Sumptibus haeredum Johannis Theodori de Bry : Typis Caspari Rötelii, anno 1624)
Library's copy lacks: t. 1, last leaf (blank); t. 2, Tractatus 1, p. 81-88 and 91-94 (blank leaves supplied by binder), and the initial blank leaf
In Library's copy, cut on p. 200 of t. 1, Tractatus 1 is overlaid with another etching
Binding, t. 1: velum over pasteboard; spine title in brown ink, over incompletely effaced earlier title: Fludd Utriusque Cosmi Historia cum Figures I.T. DeBry. Tomus 2: velum over beveled boards; top stamped in gilt with 3 armorial shields, miter and crozier in double oval containing the words: Maximilianvs D.G. Abbas Lambacensis [Lambach, Austria] C.M. Cons; spine tooled in gold (now largely wanting): Roberti Flvdy historia microcosmi; lower spine has "390" handwritten in brown ink; lower board has 2 leather straps with engraved brass clasps, corresponding metal posts on foredge of upper board (one now wanting)
Hogart, R.C. Alchemy
Yale. Alchemy
2 volumes : 32 cm (fol.)
Illustrations engraved by J.T. de Bry and Matthaeus Merian the elder
"[The work] was to have been in two volumes, the first containing two treatises, the second three; it was completed as far as the first section of the second treatise of the second volume."--Dict of nat. biog
Two issues of volume 1, part 1, are known to exist, with the catchword on page 7 either "mobile" or "stellis."
Signatures: volume 1: [pi]¹ ***¹ B-2B⁴, 2C⁶ ²A-2M⁴ (2M2+1), 2N-3G⁴, 3H², 3I-5H⁴ (-5H4)
Pagination: volume 1: [2], 106 [i.e. 206], [6], 276, [2], 277-788, [10] pages; volume 2: [2], 277, 191, [11], [12], 199 pages
Leaves of plates (some folded) included in pagination; numerous errors in pagination
Engraved title page; head- and tail-pieces; initials
Includes indexes
Includes errata (volume 2, page 10)
Advertisment for volume 2: volume 1, pages 785-788
v. 1, pt. [1]. De macrocosmi historia [metaphysica & physica] (1617). pt. [2]. Tractatus secundus de naturae simia seu technica macrocosmi historia (Oppenheimio, De Bry, 1618) -- v. 2, pt. [1-a]. Tomus secundus de supernaturali, naturali, praeternaturali et contranaturali microcosmi historia in tractatus tres distributa ; [First treatise, first section] (Oppenhemij, De Bry, 1619). pt. [1-b]. Tomi secundi, tractatus primi, sectio secunda, de technica microcosmi historia ([n.p., n.d.]). pt. [2]. Tomi secundi, tractatus secundus, de praeternaturali utriusque mundi historia (Francofurti, typis E. Kempfferi sumptibus J.T. de Bry, 1621)
Tomus 2 ends with the 1st Sectio of the 2nd Tractatus. It was to have contained 3 tractatus, but was never completed
Collation: Tomus 1, Tractatus 1: [4], 106 (i.e. 206), [10] p., [4] leaves of plates (2 of them double leaves hinged at centerfold). Tomus 1, Tractatus 2: 788, [10] p. (last 2 p. blank), [9] leaves of plates (1 folded, 4 double leaves hinged at centerfold). Tomus 2, Tractatus 1: 277, [2] p. (first 2 p. and last 2 p. blank). Tomus 2, Tractatus 1, Sectio 2: 191, [13] (last 2 p. blank). Tomus 2, Tractatus 2, Sectio 1: [12], 199, [1] p. (last p. blank), [2] leaves of plates (double leaf hinged at centerfold)
Signatures: t. 1, Tractatus 1: A-Bb Cc (double-leaf plate, hinged at centerfold after A2 and printed with p. 3 on recto of 1st leaf and p. 6 on verso of 2nd, is signed 'A2'). Tomus 1, Tractatus 2: A-Ggg Hhh² Iii-Hhhhh (V2 missigned 'V'; Bbbb2 missigned 'Bbb2'). Tomus 2, Tractatus 1: A-Mm (R3 missigned 'R2'). Tomus 2, Tractatus 1, Sectio 2: A-aa bb. Tomus 2, Tractatus 2, Sectio 1: A-R S
Illustrated with numerous cuts in text as well as plates, etched and engraved, and with woodcut head and tail pieces and initials. Both t.p.'s of t. 1. have ornamental frames with letterpress text. That of Tractatus 2 has signature: M. Merian sculp. T.p. of tomus 2, Tractatus 1 is completely engraved. T.p. of t. 2, Tractatus 1, Sectio 2 has etched vignette with letterpress. T.p. of t. 2, Tractatus 2 is letterpress with engraved vignette signed: T.B. fe
Errata lists interspersed throughout text
Vol. 2 of Library's copy is bound with: Anatomiae amphitheatrum / authore Roberto Fludd. Francofurti : Sumptibus Iohannis Theodori de Bry, 1623
Library's copy of t. 1, Tractatus 2 is 2nd ed. (Francofvrti : Sumptibus haeredum Johannis Theodori de Bry : Typis Caspari Rötelii, anno 1624)
Library's copy lacks: t. 1, last leaf (blank); t. 2, Tractatus 1, p. 81-88 and 91-94 (blank leaves supplied by binder), and the initial blank leaf
In Library's copy, cut on p. 200 of t. 1, Tractatus 1 is overlaid with another etching
Binding, t. 1: velum over pasteboard; spine title in brown ink, over incompletely effaced earlier title: Fludd Utriusque Cosmi Historia cum Figures I.T. DeBry. Tomus 2: velum over beveled boards; top stamped in gilt with 3 armorial shields, miter and crozier in double oval containing the words: Maximilianvs D.G. Abbas Lambacensis [Lambach, Austria] C.M. Cons; spine tooled in gold (now largely wanting): Roberti Flvdy historia microcosmi; lower spine has "390" handwritten in brown ink; lower board has 2 leather straps with engraved brass clasps, corresponding metal posts on foredge of upper board (one now wanting)
Hogart, R.C. Alchemy
Yale. Alchemy
2 volumes : 32 cm (fol.)
Illustrations engraved by J.T. de Bry and Matthaeus Merian the elder
"[The work] was to have been in two volumes, the first containing two treatises, the second three; it was completed as far as the first section of the second treatise of the second volume."--Dict of nat. biog
Two issues of volume 1, part 1, are known to exist, with the catchword on page 7 either "mobile" or "stellis."
Signatures: volume 1: [pi]¹ ***¹ B-2B⁴, 2C⁶ ²A-2M⁴ (2M2+1), 2N-3G⁴, 3H², 3I-5H⁴ (-5H4)
Pagination: volume 1: [2], 106 [i.e. 206], [6], 276, [2], 277-788, [10] pages; volume 2: [2], 277, 191, [11], [12], 199 pages
Leaves of plates (some folded) included in pagination; numerous errors in pagination
Engraved title page; head- and tail-pieces; initials
Includes indexes
Includes errata (volume 2, page 10)
Advertisment for volume 2: volume 1, pages 785-788
v. 1, pt. [1]. De macrocosmi historia [metaphysica & physica] (1617). pt. [2]. Tractatus secundus de naturae simia seu technica macrocosmi historia (Oppenheimio, De Bry, 1618) -- v. 2, pt. [1-a]. Tomus secundus de supernaturali, naturali, praeternaturali et contranaturali microcosmi historia in tractatus tres distributa ; [First treatise, first section] (Oppenhemij, De Bry, 1619). pt. [1-b]. Tomi secundi, tractatus primi, sectio secunda, de technica microcosmi historia ([n.p., n.d.]). pt. [2]. Tomi secundi, tractatus secundus, de praeternaturali utriusque mundi historia (Francofurti, typis E. Kempfferi sumptibus J.T. de Bry, 1621)
No table of contents. Foxing. Narrow margins. Gutter included to avoid cropping text. Some text is impossible to capture.
- Addeddate
- 2010-12-16 19:43:58
- Associated-names
- Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623, engraver, bookseller; Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650, engraver; Galler, Hieronymus, printer
- Bookplateleaf
- 0004
- Call number
- 369619
- Camera
- Canon 5D
- External-identifier
- Foldoutcount
- 1
- Force-update
- true
- Identifier
- utriusquecosmima02flud
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t2x35kv1c
- Lccn
- 45046265
- Ocr
- ABBYY FineReader 8.0
- Ocr_converted
- abbyy-to-hocr 1.1.4
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- 0.0.13
- Openlibrary_edition
- OL24549776M
- Openlibrary_work
- OL15598852W
- Page-progression
- lr
- Page_number_confidence
- 48
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- 1.0.5
- Pages
- 702
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- invalid-jp2-headers
- Pdf_module_version
- 0.0.25
- Ppi
- 300
- References
- BM (part var.); Duveen, D.I. Alchemica et chemica, 222; Ebert, 7701; Gardner, F.L. Biblio. Rosicruciana, 217; Gardner, F.L. Biblio. Rosicruciana, 218; S. Hutin, Robt. Fludd p. 14 (part var. ed.); Graesse, no. 1-5 (no. 3 var. ed.); Macphail, I. Alchemy & The occult, 74; Macphail, I. Alchemy & The occult, 83; Cicognara, 32
- Scandate
- 20101216223054
- Scanner
- scribe1.santamonica.archive.org
- Scanningcenter
- santamonica
- Worldcat (source edition)
- 11676558
- Full catalog record
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July 21, 2019
Subject: A great comparison
Subject: A great comparison
A deep study and advanced research of Golden Ratio through the Vitruvian Man sketch by Leonardo Da Vinci,
... rel="ugc nofollow" target="_blank">https://golden-ratio.eye-of-revelation.org [part two]
suggests to compare his perspective to the "Utriusque Cosmi" of Robert Fludd, as it "will help to acknowledge that if Leonardo was anchored to the earthly dimension, Fludd was connected to the heavenly plan" (page 61)
... rel="ugc nofollow" target="_blank">https://golden-ratio.eye-of-revelation.org [part two]
suggests to compare his perspective to the "Utriusque Cosmi" of Robert Fludd, as it "will help to acknowledge that if Leonardo was anchored to the earthly dimension, Fludd was connected to the heavenly plan" (page 61)
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